The LSC seminar takes place on some thursdays at 11am, normally in room 04.05 in the LIS.
It is organized jointly with the Séminaire Logique et Interactions or the I2M.
Upcoming seminars
- 03/10/2024: Louis Lemonnier, A recipe for the semantics of reversible programming.
- 17/10/2024: séminaire Chocola à l’ENS Lyon
- 24/10/2024: Aloÿs Dufour, Böhm and Taylor for all (séminaire LDP à l’I2M)
- 14/11/2024: Christine Vespa, Qu’est ce qu’un foncteur polynomial et à quoi ça sert? (1/2) (séminaire LDP à l’I2M)
- 21/11/2024: séminaire Chocola à l’ENS Lyon
- 28/11/2024: Christine Vespa, Qu’est ce qu’un foncteur polynomial et à quoi ça sert? (2/2) (séminaire LDP à l’I2M)
- 5/12/2024: Elena Di Lavore, TBA
- 12/12/2024: Mario Román, TBA
Past seminars
- 05/09/2024: Tito Nguyen, Inexpressivity of higher-order transducers and semi-quantitative semantics (work in progress).
- 18/04/2024: Gabriele Vanoni, Higher-Order Bayesian Networks, Exactly.
- 11/04/2024: Federico Olimpieri, Coherence by Normalization for Linear Multicategorical Structures.
- 22/02/2024: Hugo Paquet, 2-Dimensional Monads and Concurrency.
- 21/02/2024: Pierre Clairambault, soutenance HDR.
- 15/02/2024: Zeinab Galal, Newton-Raphson iteration for Cartesian differential categories
- 07/12/2024: Glynn Winskel, Making concurrency functional
- 02/11/2024: Matteo Acclavio and Gianluca Curzi, Infinitary cut elimination via finite approximations
- 20/10/2024: Marc de Visme, Graphical Languages for Quantum Computation